網上訂房或電話訂房:(800) 745-9784

The Originals City, Hôtel Le Coeur d'Or, Sedan Est

The Originals City, Hôtel Le Coeur d'Or, Sedan Est

您打算什么时候入住The Originals City, Hôtel Le Coeur d'Or, Sedan Est?

房间类型 相关条款 {{rateColumnTitle}} 预订客房

{{room.bedding.join(", ")}}



  • {{rate.policy.refundable ? i18n.refundable : i18n.roomPolicy}}
  • {{rate.promotion}}
  • {{i18n.taxIncluded}}
  • {{amenity.description}}
  • 稍后付款!
  • Installments available



{{price(rate.price_including)}} {{i18n.includingTaxesFees}}




{{i18n.roomType}} {{i18n.conditions}} {{rateColumnTitle}}  
  • Pay Later!
  • {{i18n.taxIncluded}}
  • {{i18n.vioPackageAmenity[amenity]}}




{{i18n.comparableHotelsAvail.replace('%0%', city.name)}}

{{i18n.comparableHotelAvail.replace('%0%', city.name)}}

{{i18n.showAllNrHotels.replace('%1%', city.name)}}


{{hotel.location.city}}, {{hotel.location.state}}, {{hotel.location.country}}

{{i18n.allHotelsIn.replace('%0%', totalInCity).replace('%1%', city.name)}}

The Originals City, Hôtel Le Coeur d'Or, Sedan Est

▼ 更多信息

客房 : 22

连锁酒店 : The Originals City